Positive effects on self – Shelley


Once Shelley opened up about her needs, so many people wanted to help that she and her family set up a blog in order to keep everyone in touch.


I gave up laundry and dusting and a few household chores to the kids and they’re doing such a good job they can keep it. But it’s just… I don’t know how to describe that difference. And yet, it’s not so different from the normal. It’s how you approach your daily life at home and at work that was different for me. Things that I used to think were important are now secondary. My most important thing right now is my well being. If I’m not taken care of, I can’t take care of my husband and my kids or let them take care of me. I’m going to be rundown, it’s going to be tough on everybody. Before I was the last person I would think about. It was my family, then work, the dog, the neighbor’s dog then me. I’m up on top and I’m okay with that. I don’t feel bad about that.

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